Founder Message

A Trustworthy Circle Beyond High School Academic Pressure

As a high school student in a competitive environment, I firsthand experienced how the intense desire for top college admissions fosters a toxic mentality among high-school peers. The fear of judgment or rumors drove me to maintain a “perfect” image—academically and socially. However, I was not alone. After having conversations with my peers, I realized that this was a shared struggle. They, as well, were trapped inside the pressure to be "perfect,” leaving no room for vulnerability. They longed for a supportive environment where they can seek help without risk of judgement or rumors.

In response, I started facilitating group sessions to help my high-school peers prepare for AP exams, meeting early in the morning or after school in local cafes. I shared my personalized notes and study resources with them, not only to provide academic support but to create a space where everyone feels comfortable helping each other grow.

Then, I began to wonder if this sessions could grow into a greater circle. What if there is a platform where all high-school students can access my personalized notes, study videos, and 1-to-1 tutoring more efficiently? I pictured a platform that serves two purposes: as a ‘non-judgmental circle’ for those in competitive schools to relax outside of high-school pressure, and as an 'inclusive circle’ for students in less privileged schools, providing free educational support for AP classes.

That pictured platform has now become a reality: APproach5. Rather than ‘achieving’ the 5, we are ‘approaching’ it, taking each step at a time together and prioritizing personal growth over perfection.

Yeonwoo Lee

APproach5 Founder